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3층 상세내용
Disaster that happens in the City Skyscraper Fire Experience hall Place for learning precautions and countermeasures in the event of a skyscraper fire and how to escape quickly in the event of a fire from a skyscraper
Traffic accident experience hall Place where you can learn road traffic rules and experience traffic safety to prevent traffic accidents by recreating roads.
Indoor Fire Experience hall Place to experience firefighting and evacuation by using evacuation equipment
Earthquake Experience hall Place where you can experience the intensity of earthquakes step by step and learn how to cope with earthquakes.
Disaster that threatens the city Forest fires, Mudslides Experience Hall Place for learning how to deal with forest fires, mountain accidents, disaster production, forest fires, and mountain accidents through video.
Typhoon Experience hall Place for learning precautions in the event of a typhoon and experiencing typhoon intensity through strong winds and rain systems
Ship accident experience hall Place to experience safe evacuation procedures and how to use escape equipment in the event of a ship accident

Disaster happens in the city

  • Skyscraper Fire Experience hall

    Experience how to use a ladder, what to do when a fire occurs and preventing skyscraper’s fire.

    고층화재 체험관 사진 고층화재 체험관 사진 고층화재 체험관 사진 고층화재 체험관 사진 고층화재 체험관 사진
  • Traffic Accident Experience hall

    Experience traffic safety through various traffic accidents that occur in everyday life, such as how to cross a crosswalk and the importance of a seat belt.

    교통사고 체험관 사진 교통사고 체험관 사진 교통사고 체험관 사진 교통사고 체험관 사진 교통사고 체험관 사진
  • Indoor Fire Experience hall

    Experience the use of fire extinguishers, evacuation methods, and escape devices to enhance indoor fire handling skills and initial.

    실내화재 체험관 사진 실내화재 체험관 사진 실내화재 체험관 사진 실내화재 체험관 사진
  • Earthquake Experience hall

    Learn about the principles and characteristics of earthquakes and experience how to cope with earthquakes of different sizes, evacuate and escape from collapsed spaces in the event of a rock field.

    지진 체험관 사진 지진 체험관 사진 지진 체험관 사진 지진 체험관 사진 지진 체험관 사진

Disaster threatening the city

  • Forest fires, Mudslides Experience hall

    Space for learning how to deal with forest fires, mountain accidents, disaster production, forest fires, and mountain accidents through video.

    산불·산사태 체험관 사진 산불·산사태 체험관 사진 산불·산사태 체험관 사진 산불·산사태 체험관 사진 산불·산사태 체험관 사진
  • Typhoon Experience hall

    Place for learning precautions in the event of a typhoon and experiencing typhoon intensity through strong winds and rain systems

    태풍 체험관 사진 태풍 체험관 사진 태풍 체험관 사진 태풍 체험관 사진
  • Ship Accident Experience hall

    Place to experience safe evacuation procedures and how to use escape equipment in the event of a ship accident

    수난안전 체험관 사진 수난안전 체험관 사진 수난안전 체험관 사진 수난안전 체험관 사진
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