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4층 상세내용
Basic of Safety City Infectious Disease Prevention Experience hall Place for learning the causes of infectious diseases and how to deal with them
CBR (chemical, biological, and radiological) Experience hall Place for learning evacuation behavior and experiencing the wearing of gas masks in the event of CBR alert
First aid practice hall Place for learning and practicing first aid in case of emergency patients.
City fire management Firefighting facility practice hall Place for learning and practicing the types and characteristics of firefighting facilities
  • Infectious Disease Prevention Experience hall

    Place for learning the causes of infectious diseases and how to deal with them

    감염병예방 체험관 사진 감염병예방 체험관 사진
  • CPR (chemical, biological, and radiological) Experience hall

    Place for learning evacuation behavior and experiencing the wearing of gas masks in the event of CBR alert

    화생방대비 체험관 사진 화생방대비 체험관 사진
  • First aid lab

    Place to learn and practice first aid tips in case of emergency patients.

    응급처치 실습관 사진 응급처치 실습관 사진 응급처치 실습관 사진
  • Firefighting facility practice

    Place for learning and practicing the types and characteristics of firefighting facilities

    소방시설 실습관 사진 소방시설 실습관 사진
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